
【論文】「マクルーハン、環境芸術、大阪万博 ―60年代日本の美術評論におけるマクルーハン受容」

『立命館産業社会論集』48巻4号に、「マクルーハン、環境芸術、大阪万博 ―60年代日本の美術評論におけるマクルーハン受容」という論文が掲載されました。


[Abstract] According to the testimonies of architects and artists who were involved in the 1970 Osaka Expo, it appears that Marshall McLuhan was quickly accepted in the late 1960s with the background of an increase in interest in the concept of “environment”. However, the details of the acceptance of McLuhan in the field of art have barely been examined to date. As such, this paper clarifies how his communication theory was interpreted through the reading and understanding of the art criticism that focused on McLuhan before others. Firstly, young art critics, who were strongly interested in new artistic expressions after pop art, focused on McLuhan. Rational and interdisciplinary artistic expressions making full use of new industrial materials and technologies started to gather attention and McLuhan was read with the concept of “environment” as the intermediary. This trend coincided with the preparation period of the Osaka Expo. McLuhan’s theory was frequently quoted under the expectation to attempt to make the expo into a proving ground for environmental art. While playing a part in the popularization of McLuhan, they conceptualized a unique “theory of environmental art” based on each issue and interest, which had such a wide range as could be called the sprouting of “media theory” in Japan, not limited to the boundaries of art criticism. 

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